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Here are 15 funny quotes about smart cities:

 Here are 15 funny quotes about smart cities: "In a smart city, even the trash cans are probably more intelligent than me!" "Smart cities: where even the streetlights judge your bad parking." "In a smart city, getting lost is just your phone’s way of helping you explore." "I live in a smart city, but I still can’t figure out how to work the thermostat." "In a smart city, the Wi-Fi is faster than your coffee run!" "The only thing smarter than the city is the refrigerator that tells me I’m out of snacks." "I live in a smart city, but my GPS still can’t figure out my shortcuts." "Smart cities are great—until your fridge starts giving you diet advice." "In a smart city, even the pigeons probably have a data plan." "If my city’s so smart, why does it keep giving me traffic updates after I’m already stuck?" "Smart cities: Where the traffic lights are faster than your Tinder dates." &

Some funny jokes about the billionaire mindset:

  1. Why do billionaires always carry a pencil and paper? To draw their money!

  2. Why did the billionaire bring a ladder to the bar? Because he heard the drinks were on the house!

  3. How do you spot a billionaire at a party? They'll be the ones calculating the ROI of the hors d'oeuvres!

  4. Why did the billionaire install a trampoline in his office? For high returns!

  5. What do you call a billionaire who plays hide and seek? A venture capitalist!

  6. Why do billionaires never get lost? They always have a profit margin!

  7. How do billionaires stay cool in the summer? By sitting in their liquid assets!

  8. Why did the billionaire refuse to eat alphabet soup? He didn’t like the idea of a stock market crash!

  9. What do billionaires use to clean their glasses? Windex, to keep their vision 20/20!

  10. Why don’t billionaires ever get into arguments? They just invest in peace talks!

  11. What did the billionaire say when asked about his favorite sport? “I love hedge fund racing!”

  12. Why did the billionaire get a job as a chef? To make more dough!

  13. How do billionaires travel? In a private jet... because flying commercial just doesn’t take off!

  14. Why don’t billionaires use social media? Their net worth is already too high!

  15. How do you make a billionaire laugh? Show them a penny stock!

  16. Why did the billionaire bring a suitcase to the gym? For his heavy lifting investments!

  17. What’s a billionaire’s favorite type of music? Cash-ical!

  18. Why did the billionaire attend art school? To master the art of the deal!

  19. How do billionaires keep their gardens? With hedge funds!

  20. Why do billionaires always look relaxed? Because they’re used to high stakes!

  21. What do billionaires call a rainy day? An opportunity to invest in umbrellas!

  22. Why don’t billionaires ever get bored? They have interest in everything!

  23. How do billionaires like their coffee? With a lot of stocks and sugar!

  24. Why did the billionaire break up with his girlfriend? She didn’t show enough interest!

  25. What did the billionaire say to the barista? “Keep the change. Buy yourself a small company.”

  26. Why did the billionaire go to space? Because the sky is not the limit!

  27. How do billionaires plan their weekends? By balancing work and high net worth!

  28. What’s a billionaire’s favorite game? Monopoly – because it’s just like real life!

  29. Why did the billionaire invest in a bakery? He wanted a bigger slice of the pie!

  30. How do billionaires stay humble? By remembering they were once millionaires!

  31. Why don’t billionaires need maps? They always know where the capital is!

  32. What’s a billionaire’s favorite book? “The Art of War(rant)!”

  33. Why do billionaires never get stressed? They take calculated risks!

  34. What did the billionaire say to the bank teller? “Here’s my deposit. Buy yourself something nice!”

  35. Why did the billionaire buy a farm? To grow his portfolio!

  36. How do billionaires stay in shape? By lifting their heavy investments!

  37. Why did the billionaire go to the comedy club? For a good return on laughvestment!

  38. What do billionaires call a minor setback? A market correction!

  39. Why did the billionaire take up fishing? For the net gains!

  40. How do billionaires take their tea? With a splash of dividends!

  41. What’s a billionaire’s favorite animal? A cash cow!

  42. Why did the billionaire start a blog? To share his wealth of knowledge!

  43. How do billionaires throw a party? With plenty of stock options!

  44. Why did the billionaire invest in a circus? Because he loves high-flying acts!

  45. What’s a billionaire’s favorite holiday destination? A tax haven!

  46. Why did the billionaire go to school? To get a master’s in earning!

  47. How do billionaires avoid getting sick? They invest in healthy stocks!

  48. Why don’t billionaires need glasses? They have perfect capital vision!

  49. What’s a billionaire’s favorite TV show? “Shark Tank” – it’s all about investment!

  50. How do billionaires solve problems? With equity!

  51. Why did the billionaire start a zoo? To see his assets grow!

  52. What did the billionaire say when he lost his wallet? “Oh well, just another small loss!”

  53. How do billionaires keep their hair perfect? With strong holdings!

  54. Why did the billionaire buy a sports team? For the capital gains!

  55. What’s a billionaire’s favorite subject in school? Calculated risk-taking!

  56. Why did the billionaire hire a personal chef? To cook up more profitable ideas!

  57. How do billionaires make decisions? By weighing the pros and cons…ulting their advisors!

  58. What’s a billionaire’s favorite exercise? Capital gains training!

  59. Why did the billionaire buy an island? Because he wanted to diversify his land holdings!

  60. How do billionaires stay connected? By networking – and not just on the golf course!


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