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Here are 15 funny quotes about smart cities:

 Here are 15 funny quotes about smart cities: "In a smart city, even the trash cans are probably more intelligent than me!" "Smart cities: where even the streetlights judge your bad parking." "In a smart city, getting lost is just your phone’s way of helping you explore." "I live in a smart city, but I still can’t figure out how to work the thermostat." "In a smart city, the Wi-Fi is faster than your coffee run!" "The only thing smarter than the city is the refrigerator that tells me I’m out of snacks." "I live in a smart city, but my GPS still can’t figure out my shortcuts." "Smart cities are great—until your fridge starts giving you diet advice." "In a smart city, even the pigeons probably have a data plan." "If my city’s so smart, why does it keep giving me traffic updates after I’m already stuck?" "Smart cities: Where the traffic lights are faster than your Tinder dates." &

some 60 funny quotes about Bill Gates' recommended books:

"If you ever feel overwhelmed by Bill Gates' book list, just remember he's reading them so you don't have to."
"Bill Gates' book recommendations: The only time I'll willingly read the word 'billion'."
"When Bill Gates recommends a book, you buy it hoping it includes the secret to his bank account."
"I bought all the books Bill Gates recommended. Now, I just need to buy the time to read them."
"Bill Gates recommends books like I recommend snacks – frequently and with enthusiasm."
"Bill Gates' book list: Because billionaires need hobbies too."
"Reading a book recommended by Bill Gates: The closest I'll get to being a billionaire."
"Bill Gates' book list is longer than my attention span."
"I read a book Bill Gates recommended and now I’m waiting for the billionaire status to kick in."
"When Bill Gates recommends a book, it’s like a billionaire giving you a cheat code for life."
"Bill Gates' book recommendations: Because if you can’t be him, you can at least read like him."
"Bill Gates' book list is my aspirational reading goal. Too bad Netflix exists."
"When Bill Gates recommends a book, my wallet cries before I even open the first page."
"Bill Gates recommends books. I recommend naps. To each their own."
"Every time Bill Gates releases a book list, my TBR pile groans a little louder."
"Reading Bill Gates' recommended books: Because watching cat videos won't make you a billionaire."
"Bill Gates' book recommendations: The ultimate 'brain food' diet."
"When Bill Gates says, 'Read this book,' I immediately think, 'Is there a movie version?'"
"Bill Gates' book list: How to feel smart without actually doing any of the reading."
"Reading Bill Gates' book recommendations: The only time I feel okay about being a nerd."
"When Bill Gates recommends a book, I add it to my shelf of 'books I'll pretend to read someday'."
"Bill Gates' book list: The reason I have more books than I’ll ever read in a lifetime."
"Every book on Bill Gates' list is a potential cure for my chronic procrastination."
"Bill Gates' book recommendations: Because even billionaires need bedtime stories."
"Bill Gates' book list makes me feel intellectually lazy."
"I read one of Bill Gates' recommended books and now I feel like I should be running a Fortune 500 company."
"Bill Gates' book recommendations are like a workout for my brain – and just as exhausting."
"Every time Bill Gates recommends a book, I buy it. My unread book collection thanks him."
"When Bill Gates recommends a book, you know it’s not just for coffee table decoration."
"Bill Gates' book list: The only list that makes me feel poor and uneducated simultaneously."
"When Bill Gates recommends a book, it’s like getting homework from the world's richest teacher."
"Bill Gates’ book recommendations: The only book list that might make you feel guilty for not being a billionaire."
"Reading Bill Gates' book list: Because you can't binge-watch your way to success."
"Bill Gates’ book recommendations are the adult version of a Christmas wish list."
"When Bill Gates says, 'Read this book,' my brain says, 'But, TV...'"
"Bill Gates' book list: Making your TBR pile look like a skyscraper since forever."
"Reading Bill Gates' book recommendations: The only time I feel like I’m doing adulting right."
"Bill Gates' book list is my intellectual Everest."
"When Bill Gates recommends a book, you buy it in hopes of absorbing his genius by osmosis."
"Bill Gates' book list: Proof that even billionaires don’t have enough time to read everything."
"When Bill Gates recommends a book, you wonder if it comes with a hidden treasure map."
"Bill Gates' book list: Because even billionaires need a good plot twist."
"Reading Bill Gates' book recommendations: The ultimate intellectual flex."
"Bill Gates' book list is the only thing I’m willing to follow blindly."
"When Bill Gates says, 'This book changed my life,' I think, 'Is there a shortcut version?'"
"Bill Gates' book list: The reason I keep buying more bookshelves."
"Reading Bill Gates' book recommendations: Because sometimes you need a billionaire’s taste in literature."
"Bill Gates' book list is longer than my grocery list and way more intimidating."
"When Bill Gates recommends a book, my brain says, 'Challenge accepted,' and my schedule says, 'Nope.'"
"Bill Gates' book recommendations: The only advice I trust more than a recipe from my grandma."
"Reading Bill Gates' book list: Because my brain needs a workout too."
"When Bill Gates says, 'Read this book,' I think, 'Does it come with a billion dollars?'"
"Bill Gates' book list: The only reading list that doubles as a motivational speech."
"Reading Bill Gates' book recommendations is like taking a class from the world's richest professor."
"Bill Gates' book list: The reason my Kindle is always full."
"When Bill Gates recommends a book, you know it's not just a light beach read."
"Bill Gates' book list: Proof that knowledge is power – and possibly wealth."
"Reading Bill Gates' book recommendations: The ultimate brain upgrade."
"When Bill Gates recommends a book, it’s like getting insider trading tips for your brain."
"Bill Gates' book list: Because even the richest man in the world knows the value of a good story."


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