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Here are 15 funny quotes about smart cities:

 Here are 15 funny quotes about smart cities: "In a smart city, even the trash cans are probably more intelligent than me!" "Smart cities: where even the streetlights judge your bad parking." "In a smart city, getting lost is just your phone’s way of helping you explore." "I live in a smart city, but I still can’t figure out how to work the thermostat." "In a smart city, the Wi-Fi is faster than your coffee run!" "The only thing smarter than the city is the refrigerator that tells me I’m out of snacks." "I live in a smart city, but my GPS still can’t figure out my shortcuts." "Smart cities are great—until your fridge starts giving you diet advice." "In a smart city, even the pigeons probably have a data plan." "If my city’s so smart, why does it keep giving me traffic updates after I’m already stuck?" "Smart cities: Where the traffic lights are faster than your Tinder dates." &

Here are 15 funny jokes about cheese:

Why did the cheese cross the road?
To get to the other slice!

What’s a cheese’s favorite music?

What cheese can never be yours?
Nacho cheese.

Why did the cheese sit alone in the fridge?
Because it was too mature for the other food.

How do you handle dangerous cheese?

What do you call a cheese that isn’t yours?
Nacho cheese!

Why did the cheese get promoted?
It was doing grater work.

What did the cheese say when it looked in the mirror?

What’s the most religious cheese?
Swiss, because it’s holey.

Why did the cheese start lifting weights?
To get shredded.

What did the cheddar say to the ghost?
"I’m too sharp for you!"

What’s a cheese’s favorite movie genre?

Why do people love cheese jokes?
Because they’re cheesy but grate.

What’s a pirate’s favorite cheese?

Why did the cheese fail math?
It couldn’t find its pro-valone.

I hope these jokes bring a smile to your face!


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