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Here are 15 funny quotes about smart cities:

 Here are 15 funny quotes about smart cities: "In a smart city, even the trash cans are probably more intelligent than me!" "Smart cities: where even the streetlights judge your bad parking." "In a smart city, getting lost is just your phone’s way of helping you explore." "I live in a smart city, but I still can’t figure out how to work the thermostat." "In a smart city, the Wi-Fi is faster than your coffee run!" "The only thing smarter than the city is the refrigerator that tells me I’m out of snacks." "I live in a smart city, but my GPS still can’t figure out my shortcuts." "Smart cities are great—until your fridge starts giving you diet advice." "In a smart city, even the pigeons probably have a data plan." "If my city’s so smart, why does it keep giving me traffic updates after I’m already stuck?" "Smart cities: Where the traffic lights are faster than your Tinder dates." &

here are 15 funny quotes about a balanced diet:

  1. "A balanced diet means a cupcake in each hand."

  2. "I’m on a seafood diet. I see food and I eat it."

  3. "A balanced diet is chocolate in both hands."

  4. "A balanced diet is having ice cream in one hand and a burger in the other."

  5. "They say you are what you eat, so I guess I’m fast, easy, and cheap."

  6. "A balanced diet is eating something sweet, then salty, then sweet again to keep your taste buds balanced."

  7. "My favorite exercise is a cross between a lunge and a crunch. It’s called lunch."

  8. "I tried a balanced diet, but then I remembered I like cake."

  9. "A balanced diet is a cookie in each hand."

  10. "A balanced diet means having a slice of pizza in one hand and a salad in the other."

  11. "Forget love, I’d rather fall in chocolate."

  12. "The only thing balanced about my diet is the scales – one in each hand."

  13. "I eat a balanced diet. I have chips on both shoulders."

  14. "Why have a balanced diet when you can have a balanced lifestyle? One chocolate bar in each hand."

  15. "A balanced diet is when the food stays on the plate and doesn’t spill on the way to my mouth."

These quotes humorously capture the struggle and irony of trying to maintain a balanced diet.


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